I love these vintage ceramic kettles lined up above my kitchen cabinets. (Sorry the photos aren't great - to tell the truth I had to crouch a little while balancing precariously on a tall stool so that you wouldn't see the dust along the top of the moulding!)
It has been fun to collect these - the first two came from a good friend who had rescued them from their family holiday home. That was the beginning for me. The next one I found at a car boot sale for just $4.00, then the cream-coloured one was by the side of the road for council clean-up. The last two were the most expensive, they were also by the roadside, but chained up waiting to be sold. I think the man wanted $25.00 each for them but I was not prepared to pay more than $25.00 for the two, which I eventually did. And although they seemed "expensive" for a "useless item" I was so glad I bought them, because they filled the space a little better. also I've seen them in antique shops for up to $90.00 so $12.50 per kettle wasn't so bad!
Unfortunately one of the lids broke over the years, and the cream one never had a lid, and doesn't "match" the others, but who said a collection has to be perfect?
From a little researching these I think they may range in age from the 1930s to the 60s.
oh I love those, they really are a focal point in your kitchen :-)
I recently tried to photograph a vintage tablecloth. Sounds easy, right. Yeah, right. I was trying to get a big overview shot, so I was doing acrobatics from the kitchen counter top too. I just kept thinking: God, please don't let me get hurt- it will sound really dumb telling the ER doc that I was taking pictures for my blog & fell! :D
Love 'em! Thanks for sharing!
Love them! What a unique collection.
Oooh, I'm with you (I collect cream colored ceramics.) I definitely think the $12.50 was worth it, too, great deals to fill that little space, both on the shelf and in your heart! You're so funny admitting the dust after trying to hide it in the pic!! (but I'm with you there, too)
Oh! I love those!!
such a neat find!!!
Kitsch N Sink Studio
Your photo was fine, you don't
want to fall off a chair and hurt
yourself for a photo, right?
I am not familiar with these,
but they look good on the cupboard!
Thanks for stopping by my "Orange"
I am glad they have such a nice home to be in...
These pitchers make such a great statement, and your photo is great!
I've put the kids to work taking the pictures of my things. They really get into the "production" and use big flashlights, backdrops, etc. It keeps them busy when they are "bored" and I end up with some good pictures too. I keep telling them they are learning set design. I couldn't get my bracelet pictures at all, and my middle-school nephew got some great shots!
Oh Elizabeth that's a great idea, I might get my girls trying that!
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