
Monday, September 1, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung
The grass is riz,
I wonder where the birdies is?

After a very dark miserable day here yesterday, check out our sky for the first day of Spring!

Our magnolia is a strange mixture of mostly bare branches, but a few branches of leaves and flowers. For the last few seasons this tree has been very confused. Not knowing when to bloom and when not to. I think the visiting birds may have something to do with it.

An eriostemon bush

Daisies by the front gate


and a daughter rushing off to band practice before Multicultural Day at school ... there's some Irish blood in us way back! This is one of our dresses for Irish Dancing.

Shortly after that photo I had to rush off to the local supermarket as I had completely forgotten to get some multicultural food ready. Luckily a plate of bought Scottish shortbread reflects our Scottish heritage too!

My spring fever will be over soon, as will our flowers, so I am making the most of them now!


Linda said...

I am glad it is a nice cheery day for you. I love your daughter's smiley face as well.

Hill upon Hill said...

Lovely photos and subject matter. Luckily you are very multicultural.