They told me it would happen one day.
One day, my child would stop being a "fussy eater".
I waited, and waited, and waited.
In the meantime, Emily became a conscious vegetarian who wouldn't eat most vegetables.
Or eggs or tofu or ...
But in the last few months there has been a change.
After 14 years of throwing out good food after every dinner,
Emily is eating everything on her plate.
Every time.
Still no meat, but that's ok.
And yesterday and today, for the first time ever,
she asked for "a healthy lunch".
So I did, bento style.
Felafel, three types of vegetables, crackers
pita bread, apple, some snacks ...
(she has a long day today and won't be home till tonight)
* * *
In my experience, fussy eating is not something
easily "cured".
Yes, we could have been more strict.
Yes, we could have had dinner earlier
before the girls got "tired"
but that would have meant missing having Daddy
with us for dinner.
Perhaps for us our family closeness and unity
was a trade-off for good eating.
I know which one I would choose
if I was to do it all over again:
The togetherness.
* * *
My girls were born fussy eaters,
they would gag on some foods as babies and toddlers.
Their fussiness wasn't my fault,
and try as I might,
they just won't eat those foods until
they are ready.
It's been a long, long road to this point.
Laura still has trouble finishing her dinner.
But I'm sure that one day,
she will get there too.
So ....
if you're out there wondering when your child
will start to eat everything ...
.... hang in there.
Don't be discouraged
when other mums tell you about their
child who won't stop eating
anything and everything.
Or when their child snacks on cucumber
for a treat.
Just keep trying, keep dishing out those
"unwanted" foods
and hope that one day, maybe fourteen years later ...
your child will ask for a healthy lunch too.
(And then remember to get up early enough to cut all those veges so they are not late for school)