
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thoughts of Spring

Spring is almost here, and now and then we have a warmer day to let us know. Actually I am quite happy with our cool winter days generally, and have much more energy now than I will in summer.
So, keeping that in mind, these are my plans for the next few weeks before the school holidays:
1. Keep the house tidy - at the moment the house is very tidy, which is unusual for me!
2. With the house being so tidy ... get more actual cleaning done
3. Sort out the girls' room a bit better (the messiest part of the house at present)
4. Finish Laura's quilt (just the binding to hand-sew now!)
5. Start planning and creating for Christmas - just getting a start
6. Prepare for our weekend away - a festival of Irish music - in a few weeks
7. Keep up with my reading: John Piper's Desiring God for bible study; Jane Eyre for an online book group, and various other books piled by my bedside and elsewhere!
8. Scrapbooking - have bought some new albums so now it is really time to stop procastinating over September-Dec 2006 and just do it! And then there's the rest of 2007 ... and now 2008 ... but finish 2006 first!
9. Baking - I have lots of plans to try different recipes ... but I need to stop buying so much food from the shops so that we actually need me to bake!
10. Cards - I am hoping to make many more cards and actually send them to friends when they need a cheer-up, rather than just make a pile and store them in a box!


Aimz said...

yes spring is here too and its so lovely to see bulbs flowering :-)

Hill upon Hill said...

All sounds good.