
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Now I'm Really a Blogger

How do you know when you're really a blogger? When you start photographing everything, even your washing! Actually the truth is that I am finally catching up on my handwashing (I am not going to tell you how long some of these items were waiting to be washed) and found some beautiful old cloths in the pile! I think this one belonged to a grandmother, and is my favourite to use for afternoon tea when the whole family comes over.

A nice surprise was finding this red and white checked chicken scratch cloth, which I bought ages ago in an op-shop and forgot about. A shame I hadn't washed it before Christmas, but I will get plenty of use out of it through the year. It is a rectangular so the whole cloth is rectangular rather than square, which makes it a bit unusual.
And I couldn't resist taking a photo of these dresses of the girls' - they wore them on Christmas Day and we forgot to take photos - who knows if they will wear them again. So at least I have the photo of the dresses. sigh.

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