
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Watch this space ...

On Saturday we rearranged furniture to fit in something new I've bought on ebay
(with a little help from a friend :-)

The cute pink bookcase (bought secondhand last year)
is now on the other side of the dresser.

I forgot to take a "before" photo but you can see how crowded our dining area is.
Girls' school books, craft equipment,
copious amounts of Smiggle and other cute items ...
.... one monkey ...
and can you spot a girl amongst the mess?

One day this area will be much more serene with a table and chairs,
a dresser, and not much more, I'm hoping!

Our building plans have finally gone to council, so things are progressing!
But this corner of our home will get much worse I fear, before it gets better!

In the meantime I am enjoying the luxury of an empty corner

... while it lasts.

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