On Thursday we drove to Gundagai for The Turning Wave Festival, a festival of Irish and Australian music. We haven't driven in the country for ages, and we loved it.
As you can see, the new car was appreciated by all - especially the cupholders. And, no, we didn't buy a purple car. But at least one of the girls' wishes were granted. But maybe I need to explain to Laura that they're cupholders, not pupholders.
What I loved more than the china was the old sewing notions and all the old linen - rooms of it, divided into types. I decided that all I could afford was an embroidered traycloth, and there were about 100 to choose from, all neatly folded in a stack. There are lots of everyday kitchen items too, which I could have gotten into ... but resisted. In the end I bought a tray cloth which turned out to be the cheapest in the pile but it was the one I loved on the day and a tea knife which I used yesterday with scones and jam after we arrived home, also I bought a nice wooden comb which is apparently from France c1920s but seems pretty new to me. Anyway it works well, so I'm happy! I'll post them on Thursday for Vintage Thingie Thursday.
Close to Gundagai we saw this flourescent green groundcover, we're not sure what it is.
It took us about 7 hours, including a few decent stops, and we arrived at Gundagai just after 5pm, and looked around. Not much was happening yet for the festival, which started properly on Friday.
Gundagai is nestled among the most beautiful hills, which we could look at for hours. These were the views from our motel room
and this is a park close to the town where we had morning tea and played some tin whistle.
I'll post some more from our weekend later.
Hey I think that antique shop is where I bought my teacups from last week....
I think that bright groundcover in your photo is canola.
I'll have to go into town next time I am there so I can see it too.
I think it is canola as well.
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